Business advisor meetings are held remotely or in-person or by phone.
Book Your appointment online, link bellow or by calling the business adviros. You will receive link to the meeting through email.
Please note the lower door is closed, so ring the doorbell or call your business advisor. Arrive max. 5 minutes earlier to your appoitment.
E-invoicing address: FI8310783000213313
Operator: Nordea
Intermediary’s code: NDEAFIHH

Visiting our office
Asemakatu 38-40 B-Door 2nd floor
70110 Kuopio
The lower door is closed, please ring the doorbell.
Please send the business plan and its attachments to the business advisor by e-mail or paper version in advance.
Starting businesses

Tarja Pöyhönen
044 388 3085

Hanna Tuhkio
Business Advisor, starting businesses
044 388 3082

Arto Leskinen
Business Advisor, ownership transfers of businesses, starting businesses
044 388 3086